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Why do you have a PayPal only policy?

Solution We have a strict payment by PayPal-only policy for several reasons:

1. Privacy protection
VXCharts will not be given your financial details such as credit card numbers or expiry date. Instead all we know is your name, email address and the amount paid to us. This prevent loss of sensitive information in the event that our website is compromised.

2. Instant transaction reports
When payment is made, there is an instant record that is accessible on both our accounts by simply logging into PayPal. This provides clarity as to whether the transaction is successful or not.

3. Instant VXID activation
Because the entire backend of VXCharts has been integrated with PayPal, this will allow instant activation of your license after subscription.

Please rest assured that PayPal will offer convenience and security to both parties once the initial setup is over.
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Article details
Article ID: 25
Category: Licensing
Date added: Sun, 25 Sep 2011 12:23:55 +0000
Views: 691
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (47)

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