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.NET Framework 4.0 fails to install with error 0xc8000222


If you are unable to get .NET Framework 4.0 after many failed attempts, please try the following:


1. Locate the "Command Prompt" icon and "Run as administrator


2. Type in command "net stop WuAuServ" (this is to disable windows update)


3. Go to Run (you can do this by pressing Win + R) and type in "%windir%" (this will open up the windows system folder)


4. Find the folder "SoftwareDistribution" and rename it as "SDold"


5. Go back to the command prompt in step 1 and type the command "net start WuAuServ"


6. Now, try to install .NET Framework again


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Article details
Article ID: 40
Category: Platform/Computer related
Date added: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 13:02:14 +0000
Views: 2534
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.5/5.0 (51)

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