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Why do my charts look different from other traders?

Solution There are many factors influencing the way your charts look.

First and foremost, brokers only offer SIMILAR real time livefeed to traders. Secondly, because of the same reason, backfill from brokers can be different from your livefeed.

As VXCharts downloads both backfill and livefeed from TransAct, this naturally may result in slightly different charts. However, VXCharts has a series of mechanisms to minimize the effects of these 2 shortcomings.

1. Because of the first shortcoming, VXCharts makes up for missing gaps in the data by correcting the total volume. This may result in dots. Please refer to this KB for more information.

2. Because of the 2 shortcomings, traders who start VXCharts at different times may have different charts. Our recommendation is to get your charts ready before the market starts trading. This is because the backfill and livefeed have less differences during non-trading hours.

3. VXCharts uses the Lagmeter to measure the timeliness of the datafeed, if the Lagmeter is showing yellow or red, it can results in different charts.

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Article ID: 24
Category: Charting
Date added: Sat, 16 Jul 2011 04:27:15 +0000
Views: 1373
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (53)

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