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Can it run on iMac / Mac / Macintosh?


Yes, however your Apple machine needs to be able to run Windows before our charting/trading applications can work. This is because VXCharts and the accompanying broker applications are Microsoft Windows-based, they cannot run on Apple's Macintosh-based machines.


You may have to download the Windows 10 ISO from before proceeding.


Here are 2 ways we have gathered from around the internet to get your Windows working.


# Bootcamp (Recommended)

- OS X 10.7 Lion


- OS X 10.8: Mountain Lion

- OS X 10.9: Mavericks

- OS X 10.10: Yosemite

- OS X 10.11: El Capitan

- macOS 10.12: Sierra


- macOS 10.13: High Sierra


- macOS 10.14: Mojave

- To switch back from Windows 10 to macOS



# Virtual Machines

- This is the other option of getting Windows on your Apple machine.

- Oracle has a free one located at located at

- Do note that this option can cause your machine to run slower than expected if there is insufficient CPU/memory

- You need to ensure that at least 2 CPU cores and 2 GB of RAM is allocated to your VM

- You can read more about other Virtual Machines here



As we primarily work with Windows machines, our support for getting your mac to run Windows is limited. If you still have difficulty getting Windows to work, we can always put you in touch with one of our regular contacts who can assist with such Operating System related procedures.


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Article details
Article ID: 9
Category: Platform/Computer related
Date added: Mon, 06 Jun 2011 20:16:17 +0000
Views: 1384
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (64)

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