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How do I trade/playback ES charts?




Important Notes

  • ES charts are very similar to TF charts. To get LIVE ES charts, you have to contact your broker to provide you with the ES data feed first.
  • ES playback files are available only after the trading day. e.g. Mon, 11th Jan 2016 files are only available after 11:59 pm EST/EDT. This translate to Singapore time, 12pm 12th Jan 2016 GMT+8
  • ES playback files are slightly different from TF playback files in that, if you are doing Fri, 5th Feb 2016 playback, you will also need playback files from 4th (Thu), 3rd (Wed), 2nd (Tue) and 1st (Mon) in order to have 5 days of backfill. The playback will load up to 7 days of backfill if you have the respective playback files.
  • As of VXCharts v1.0.7888.0, the latest correct ES settings can be applied to your charts under the Charts menu, Default ES settings. Please use this to modify the parameters of your indicators. Note that you must have your charts loaded up first either using MagicES or PlayES.


To get LIVE ES charts:

1. Beside the Magic button, there is a small arrow, click on it and select MagicES

2. Enter your broker username/password as usual

3. Click on OK


To PLAYBACK ES charts:

1. Click on Playback/Playback (Zaner)

2. Select a desired date, ES playback files are available from 11th Jan 2016 and onwards.

3. Beside the Play button, there is a small arrow, click on it and select PlayES


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Article details
Article ID: 45
Category: Charting
Date added: Fri, 05 Feb 2016 08:33:13 +0000
Views: 1393
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (35)

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